Victor HHS model C, 1892

You can admire this safety bicycle in the Velorama Museum in Nijmegen, Netherlands.
It shows the way the Americans innovated in those days. It is really a marvellous bike, with a lot of interesting constructions. The double tube frame is a construction that was also used by Rudge.
The Victor spring fork was introduced in 1887 and evolved into a very fine suspenion system over the next four years. This bike shows its final form. No other factory built bikes with this fork. Collectors call it the HHS - Half Heart Suspension.

Victor had three main types of safety in 1891-1892:
Model A was the lady's bike: 'Victoria'.
Model B was the diamond frame, with normal front fork.
Model C was this diamond frame, with spring fork.

This bike in the Velorama features the special Victor cushion tyres, which are very rare on American bikes. They were introduced in 1891, but in 1892-1893 the pneumatic tyre was introduced in favour of the cushion tyre.
Look also at the 1893 Victor.

More Victor (Overman Wheel Company) history with the Victor ordinary.
A similar 1891 Victor model C is featured on the Old Spokes website.


  If you are interested in a whole bunch of Columbia highwheel and safety advertisements, look at the ones I put on Flickr. Click the ad on the left.